State Printing Company Plc. hereby announces the following pursuant to section 67 of act CXX of 2001 on capital markets and in accordance with the requirements stated in the Statutes of State Printing Company Plc, based on the information received from the shareholders:
ING Bank Zrt. (registered office: H-1068 Budapest, Dózsa György út 84/B) as custodian bank informed the Board of Directors that the client of ING Bank Zrt. increased its voting right in State Printing House Plc as follows:
Company name: Állami Nyomda Nyrt.
Type of shares: A series, ordinary shares
ISIN code: HU0000079835
Listed shares: 1,396,520
Name of shareholder: Hansabank Ltd. as nominee
Registered office of shareholder: 15040 Tallinn, Liivalaia 8, Estonia
Registered number: 10060701
Actual ownership: 117,298
Actual ownership in percentage: 8.4%
Date of ownership changes: 29 August 2006.
Budapest, 24 October 2006
State Printing House Plc