The most protected Hungarian documents will be produced by the consortium led by Állami Nyomda for the next seven years. The total value of the contract signed with KEK KH is HUF 16.5 billion.
The Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services (KEK KH) and the consortium of Állami Nyomda Nyrt together with Pénzjegynyomda Zrt signed a contract on 6 December, 2010 to produce Hungarian security documents within document protection categories ’A’ and ’B’ and their parts with unchanged technical content. The duration of the contract will be until 31 August, 2017 from the date of the engagement. The contractual value of the seven year period is HUF 16.5 billion. The contract signed with KEK KH covers among others the unpersonalized production of ID cards, driving licenses, vehicle registration cards, residents cards and vehicle registration certificates.
‘Winning the public procurement procedure, started this summer, represents a considerable appreciation of the high-level security and services guaranteed by Állami Nyomda. We have been producing various kinds of documents since 1998. We have spent about HUF 10 billion over this period on capital projects and R&D to increase security in order for us to offer complex services in the production of documents. As a result of the contract concluded now, Állami Nyomda will produce the Hungarian documents requiring a high security level until 2017. Simultaneously, our Document Security Laboratory is continuing to work on research of state-of-the-art security solutions and we are continuing developments in the field of the most modern documents complying with EU standards, equipped with chip and in addition offering electronic identification services.’ – stated Gábor Zsámboki, Chief Executive Officer of Állami Nyomda.
State Printing House Plc.