Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of ANY Security Printing Company PLC (1102 Budapest, Halom u. 5.) (the “Company”) that the Company’s Annual General Meeting will be held at Company’s registered office (H-1102 Budapest, Halom u. 5.) on 19th April 2021 at 13:00 p.m.

The Company hereby informs the Shareholders that pursuant to Government Decree No. 502/2020. (XI.16.) on reintroducing different provisions regarding the operation of personal and capital pooling organizations during the state of emergency (hereinafter referred to as: “Decree), the relevant provisions of Act No. V of 2013 on the Civil Code of Hungary regarding legal persons shall be applied with the amendments stipulated under the Decree.

Considering the introduction of general assembly and events ban from November 11, 2020, adopted pursuant to Government Decree No. 484/2020. (XI. 10.), THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SHALL BE CANCELLED; BASED ON THE MANDATE GRANTED BY THE DECREE, THE DIRECTORATE SHALL DECIDE ON ALL ITEMS ON TEH AGENDA.

Exercising the mandate arising from the Decree, the Company’s Directorate intends to adopt all proposed resolutions on 19th April 2021; decisions of the Directorate acting in the capacity of the General Assembly shall be published as usual.