The consortium of State Printing House Plc and the Banknote Printing Company (Pénzjegynyomda) continues to produce driving licenses. The five-year contract results in net sales revenue of about HUF 600 million annually.
The consortium led by State Printing House Plc. has been producing the driving licenses meeting the EU requirements since 2000. In the frame of the treaty which remains in effect until 31 December 2011, the consortium supplies not only the driving licenses but also the vehicle accompanying document, the parking document for the disabled, and the temporary driving license . The Company produces Slovakian, Irish and Albanian documents besides the Hungarians in its internationally audited security plant. The sales revenue from the contract will appear in the card production and personalization segment.
State Printing House Plc
For further information, please contact:
Mr Gábor Zsámboki deputy general manager Phone: +36 1 431 1222