State Printing House Plc. has entered into a contract with FÁS, Ireland’s National Training and Employment Authority, for supplying docu-ment cards. State Printing House Plc. won at an international tender released in the Official Journal of the European Union. The contract was announced for three years and its estimated value amounts to more than net 402 228 EUR according to the con-tracting authority. This new order confirms the trends set out in the latest preliminary report of the company, namely the increase in exports and the rising production of security products and cards.
State Printing House Plc., which has both domestic and international document production and personalization references, has won the tender in Ireland against international competi-tors. The Company produces Safepass cards with security features for FÁS, Ireland’s Na-tional Training and Employment Authority. The Irish government organization gives the cards with hologram and photograph to those employees working at construction sites who com-plete a course where they learn the basic health care and security requirements needed for their work. The Austrian Post (Österreichische Post AG) transports the personalized cards to Ireland, so the Company offers complex service along with its subcontractor.
In accordance with the strategic objectives, the export sales of State Printing House Plc. are rising dynamically. In 2006, export sales compared to total sales exceeded 12% and it in-creased by HUF 1.2 billion compared to corresponding 2005 period. Besides the Hungarian documents, the Company has recently produced card documents for Albania as well. As a subcontractor, State Printing House Plc. has completed the expansion of the Albanian docu-ment personalization centre in Tirana besides supplying the driving licenses. The Company sells European health cards not only to Hungary but to Slovakia as well. After personalization, it envelopes the Slovakian cards along with the accompanying letters and transports them. The winning of the Albanian, Slovakian and Irish tender proves that the security card docu-ments and the personalization activities of the Company are competitive not only in Hungary and the neighbouring countries but in other countries of Europe as well.
Állami Nyomda Nyrt.
For further information, please contact:
Mr Gábor Zsámboki deputy general manager Phone: +36 1 431 1222