State Printing House Plc. kindly advises all the stakeholders about having the Annual General Meeting hold on 30 March, 2007, on which the following resolutions were accepted:

1/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The Annual General Meeting elected Dr. Ákos Erdős as the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the Statutes paragraph 10.8, György Vajda as court reporter, Zoltán Gömöri and Viktor Zsiday as attestors of the minutes, László Balla and Balázs Pfalzgráf as the members of the poll committee.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

2/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of Shareholders accepted the report of the Board of Directors on the Company’s reports under the Accounting Act for the 2006 business year.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

3/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of Shareholders accepted the proposal of the Board of Directors for determination of the profit for the 2006 business year.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

4/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of Shareholders accepted the relevant report of the Supervisory Board on the Company’s reports under the Accounting Act and on the determination of the profit for the 2006 business year.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

5/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of Shareholders accepted the relevant report of the Auditor of the Company on the Company’s reports under the Accounting Act and on the determination of the profit for the 2006 business year.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

6/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of Shareholders approved the balance sheet of the Company with assets vs. equity and liabilities of HUF 6,484,164 thousand, profit after tax of HUF 941,032 thousand, net profit of HUF 941,032 thousand, and approved the consolidated balance sheet of the Company with assets vs. equity and liabilities of HUF 7,007,344 thousand, profit after tax of HUF 1,070,259 thousand, net profit of HUF 1,059,941 thousand, with the amendment that after paying HUF 3,140 thousand dividend on the dividend preferential employee shares series “B” and “C”, HUF 744,352 thousand dividend will be paid together to the shareholders from the profit after tax, the remaining part of the profit after tax will be part of the accumulated profit reserve. In results of the above mentioned events the net profit of the Company will be HUF 196,680 thousands. The date of paying dividend is 20-30 May 2007.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

7/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of the Shareholders thanked for their work and accepted the resignation of Nigel P. Williams, Béla Sebestyén and Tamás Bojtor as members of the Supervisory Board. The AGM of Shareholders elected Mr. Tamás Sárközy as member of the Supervisory Board effective as at today till 31 May 2009.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

8/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of Shareholders elected Mr. István Stumpf as member of the Supervisory Board effective as at today till 31 May 2009.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

9/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of Shareholders elected Mr. Imre Repa as member of the Supervisory Board effective as at today till 31 May 2009.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

10/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of Shareholders did not modify the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, the annual fee of the auditor for the year 2007 is HUF 5.1 million.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

11/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of the Shareholders amended the Statute of the Company with regard to the Act IV of 2006 on Corporate Law. The AGM of Shareholders accepted the Statutes of the Company with the amendments edited in a consequent structure.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

12/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of Shareholders elected the Audit Comitte members: Istvánné Gömöri, Imre Repa, Tamás Sárközy.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

13/2007. (30 March) Annual General Meeting Resolution
The AGM of the Shareholders accepted the Statement on Corporate Governance Practice.

(The Annual General Meeting accepted the resolution with the following votes:
763,997 yes, 0 no, 0 abstention.)

State Printing House Plc
