The Board of Directors proposes HUF 35 dividend per share to the General Meeting.

State Printing House Plc. holds its Annual General Meeting at the registered seat on 19th April 2011 at 1 p.m. The Board of Directors of the Company proposes that the General Meeting should accept HUF 35 dividend per share from the HUF 60 EPS of the 2010 financial year, which means 58% DPS/EPS ratio. The amount of the dividend still can change a bit, as dividend after treasury shares owned by the Company will be paid to the Shareholders proportionately. The suggested date of dividend payment is 22nd June 2011.

The corporate Boards also ask for the General Meeting to extend the former authorization of buying treasury shares. In line with this authorization, the Board of Directors has right to buy treasury shares up to 20% of the registered capital in order to maintain Stock Exchange share price or for the Share Option Programme.

We took into consideration the financing aspects of investments and developments establishing growth as well, when calculating dividend, as chip card technology is rapidly developing in our industry. The Printing House wanted to be and also wants to be in the future the market leader in the region when implementing up-to-date personal identification products. In order to maintain and develop our current strong position, we have to continue the previously started developments to be able to guarantee safety to our clients and growth to our shareholders both on middle- and long term’ – said Gábor Zsámboki, CEO of State Printing House Plc.

State Printing House Plc.
