On behalf of its own and by the assignment of Dr. Ákos Erdős, Chairman of the Board of Directors and György Gyergyák General Manager, State Printing House Plc (Company) hereby announces the following pursuant to the extraordinary announcement requirements stated in section 201/B-C, to section 54 (1) and section 19 of annex 6. of act CXX of 2001 on capital markets:
EG Capital SA (2, avenue Charles de Gaulle L-2013 Luxembourg; registration number: B 109281) owned by Dr. Ákos Erdős (85.55%) and Dr. Istvánné Gömöri (14.45%) purchased 5184 registered common shares, series “A” with a nominal value of HUF 980 each on 12 December 2007 at an average price of HUF 13,500 per share from György Gyergyák in a transaction outside stock exchanges.
Following the transaction EG Capital SA has 261,532 (18.9%), while György Gyergyák has 52,236 registered common shares of State Printing House Plc., and as a result of the above transaction the indirect control of Dr. Ákos Erdős has increased to 18.9%, the indirect control of Dr. Istvánné Gömöri has increased to 2.7% and the direct control of György Gyergyák has decreased to 3.8%.
The present share purchase transaction was made according to the agreement on coordinated behaviour between EG Capital SA and the Company’s management concluded on 12 February 2007 and modified on 5 July 2007.
State Printing House Plc