ANY Security Printing Company PLC hereby meets the extraordinary disclosure requirements on behalf of Fortunarum Kft. (registered seat: 1055 Budapest, Balassi Bálint street 7., trade registration number: 01-09-696431) owned by Dr. Ákos Erdős, Chairman of the Board of Directors pursuant to section 199.§ Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market and as well as to EU Regulation 596/2014/EU:

Fortunarum Kft. purchased 32,000 pieces of ordinary shares of ANY Security Printing Company PLC at the Budapest Stock Exchange on 17th July 2023 in an average price of 1,570 HUF/share with the help of OTP Bank Nyrt. as investment service provider

After the transaction Dr. Ákos Erdős owns indirectly (through EG Capital LLC and Fortunarum Kft.) 2,297,987 pieces of shares altogether issued by ANY Security Printing Company PLC.