State Printing House Plc. (hereinafter referred as: the Company) hereby announces the following pursuant to section 61 of act CXX of 2001 on capital markets and in accordance with the requirements stated in the Statutes of State Printing House Plc., based on the information received from the shareholders:
AEGON Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt. (registered office: 1091 Budapest, Üllői út 1., registered number: 01-10-044261) informed the Company that AEGON Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt. decreased its ownership and the ownership of the legal entities acting coordinated in its asset management entitling to voting right in State Printing House Plc. (registered office: 1102 Budapest, Halom utca 5., registered number: 01-10-042030) from 29.73% to 22.87% in a Stock Exchange share transfer between 15th and 16th October, 2008.
The name, number of shares and voting right of the legal entities acting coordinated is as follows:
AEGON Közép-Európai Részvény Alap: number of shares: 129,170; voting rights: 0.9%;
AEGON Magyarország Általános Biztosító Zrt.: number of shares: 865,273; voting rights: 6.0%;
AEGON Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt.: number of shares: 236,450; voting rights: 1.6%;
AEGON Magyarország Nyugdíjpénztár Magán ágazat: number of shares: 1,813,721; voting rights: 12.6%;
AEGON Magyarország Nyugdíjpénztár Önkéntes ágazat: number of shares: 252,951; voting rights: 1.8%;
TDBÖE: number of shares: 2,660; voting rights: 0.02%;
Állami Nyomda Nyrt.