State Printing House Plc hereby informs the Shareholders that it pays a different amount of dividend starting from 21 May 2008 then set forth in the announcement on payment of dividend for the year 2007 on 30 April 2008.
The reason for the change is the fact that the Company owned 11,100 pieces of treasury shares on the availability date of shareholder matching connected to dividend payment. Pursuant to Clause 227 of Act No. CXX/2001 on capital markets and Section 17.5 (b) of the Company’s Statutes, shareholders entitled to dividend shall be paid the dividend for treasury shares in ratio of their ownership. The rate of the latter amounts to gross HUF 3 per share that is three Hungarian Forints.
Based on the above, State Printing House Plc pays for the year 2007 HUF 404 gross dividend that is four hundred four Hungarian Forints for one piece of Series ‘A’ registered dematerialised ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 980 listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange (ISIN identifier: HU0000079835). HUF 433 that is four hundred thirty-three Hungarian Forints gross dividend will be paid for Series ‘B’ dematerialised registered employee shares which are not listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange (ISIN identifier: HU0000089172) while HUF 443 that is four hundred forty-three gross dividend will paid for Series ‘C’ dematerialised registered employee shares which are not listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange (ISIN identifier: HU0000089180).
Furthermore, we inform the shareholders the conversion of Series ‘B’ and ‘C’ shares into Series ‘A’ ordinary shares and the division of shares with 1:10 ratio (stock split) according to resolutions No. 9/2008 (04.30) and 10/2008 (04.30) of the Annual General Meeting of State Printing House Plc held on 30 April 2008 is in progress.
State Printing House Plc