Állami Nyomda Plc. (registered office: 1102 Budapest, Halom u. 5.; registered by the Metropolitan Court of Budapest as Court of Registration under Cg. 01-10-042030) (the “Issuer”) acting pursuant to Section 7.6 of the prospectus for the public offering of the 147,900 Series “A” dematerialized, registered ordinary shares (ISIN HU0000079835) with a par value of HUF 980 each issued and held by the Issuer (and, in the event of excessive demand, another maximum 124,100 shares held by Royalton Investors Three Limited), prepared on 29 November 2005 in compliance with Directive 2203/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Regulation 809/2004/EC of the Commission and Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market, approved by the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority in its Decision No.E-III/20.404-1/2005 on 2 December 2005, and published by the Issuer and Concorde Értékpapír Rt., the manager, on their respective websites, (the “Prospectus”), hereby announces that
the final Public Offering Price determined as a result of the Auction is HUF 5,600.
Állami Nyomda Plc.