Állami Nyomda Public Limited Company (registered office: 1102 Budapest, Halom utca 5., company registration number: 01-10-042030) (the “Company”) as listed issuer hereby announces that it requested KELER, the Company’s share registrar to perform shareholder matching, as a result of which the ownership structure presented in the enclosed Form RS1 was determined. The Company also announces that based on the data thus obtained, in addition to the shareholders already announced by the Company to hold shares in excess of 5% of voting stock, HansaBank Estonia (registered office: 8 Liivalaia, Tallin 15040) holds 95,007 Series “A” registered, dematerialized ordinary shares issued by the Company with a par value of HUF 980 each, which represent a 6.8% ownership interest for such shareholder as set forth in Section 65(1) of the Capital Market Act.
Board of Directors of Állami Nyomda Plc.