The Board of Directors of Állami Nyomda Zrt. hereby informs the Company’s Ordinary Shareholders that in accordance with Resolution No.4/2005.08.11 of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of 11 August 2005, in order to convert the Company’s 1,396,520 Series “A” registered ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 980 each into dematerialized shares, the Company filed with KELER Rt. the document on such dematerialized shares on 27 October 2005, and pursuant to such document, the Company’s 1,396,520 Series “A” registered ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 980 each were accepted by KELER Rt. for record keeping and account maintenance from 27 October 2005.
Furthermore, the Board of Directors of Állami Nyomda Zrt. hereby informs the Company’s Ordinary Shareholders that pursuant to the above, the conversion date (value date) of the Company’s 1,396,520 Series “A” registered ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 980 each is 27 October 2005. In compliance with Section 12(1) of the Capital Market Act, the Company, as issuer, declares its 1,396,520 Series “A” registered, physical ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 980 each void as of the conversion date and at the same time converts such shares into dematerialized shares.
Additional information on dematerialization may be obtained from the Finance Department of Állami Nyomda Zrt. at the following phone number: 431-1232.
The Board of Directors of Állami Nyomda Zrt.