The Board of Directors of Állami Nyomda Zrt. hereby informs the Company’s Ordinary Shareholders that in accordance with Resolutions No.3/2005.08.11 and 4/2005.08.11 of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of 11 August 2005, the amendments to the provisions of the Memorandum of Association governing the method of production and par value of Series “A” physical ordinary shares have been registered by the Metropolitan Court of Budapest as Court of Registration.

Furthermore, the Board of Directors of Állami Nyomda Zrt. hereby informs the Company’s Ordinary Shareholders that all Ordinary Shareholders have submitted their respective ordinary shares so that the par value of such shares may be changed and such shares may be converted into dematerialized shares, and all Ordinary Shareholders have specified the investment service provider they have signed a securities account agreement with. Consequently, under Section 10(2) of the Capital Market Act the conversion of ordinary shares may be closed before the previously set date of 10 October 2005.

Ordinary Shareholders will be entitled to 10 dematerialized, registered ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 980 each for every 1 registered, physical ordinary share with a par value of (originally HUF 10,000, then, following the demerger) HUF 9,800 each; the dematerialized shares will be credited to the securities accounts of Ordinary Shareholders.

Additional information on dematerialization may be obtained from the Finance Department of Állami Nyomda Zrt. at the following phone number: 431-1232.

The Board of Directors of Állami Nyomda Zrt.
