Confidence and security – the two concepts are just as vital in business as they are in everyday life. At Állami Nyomda we believe that besides a job well done, we owe out customers the trust they have come to know over the past 150 years. During this time, we have always complied with the strictest security requirements. This is why we enforce the regulations of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and the supplier requirements of Visa, MasterCard, and NATO, as well as government decrees related to the production of securities and the protection of security documents. Állami Nyomda never adopts security measures for their own sake, however, but acts systematically within a complex security policy always keeping the interests of the customer in mind. This has been highlighted by numerous international certifications and accreditations. At the end of last year our company was audited by an international organisation and determined to be compliant with the requirements of one of the most comprehensive information security standards on the market, BS 7799-2:2002.