public transport_mobileHow often do you see young people using their mobile phones on the subway, buses or trams? It is not surprising that more and more money is spent by the transport companies on mobile applications. Using the applications of BKK and Google Maps we can learn at any time how to get from “A” to “B” in Budapest.

We are also not surprised that at the annual Transport & Ticketing conference organized in London prizes were awarded to companies that facilitate public transport by innovative solutions. This year, along with the global companies and the example of London, a small New Zeland company, Snapper won a prize too. Miki Szikszai, the Hungarian-born chief executive officer of the company says that there is a great pressure on the transport companies to provide solutions optimized on mobiles for the everyday transport problems and his company has prepared for it in time.

Changes are underway in Hungary too. This spring, Dávid Vitézy, Government Commissioner, directly promised a revolution in the public transport. Small issues that may significantly facilitate passengers’ life are also addressed. Connecting of the timetables of MÁV trains and VOLÁN buses in the future will enable us to plan our trip to places that cannot directly be reached by train or bus. As a result, all train and bus connections and transfer options can be seen in one place. A number of changes may also be experienced by the passengers in Budapest, since not only new buses and trams have been put into operation but the new thermal paper based ticket system has started: tickets can be bought at many ticket offices and ticket machines. Security basic paper supplied by ANY Security Printing Company has performed well. Millions of security ticket and season ticket paper are produced by us for BKK (Centre for Budapest Transport) and for VOLÁN transport companies in the countryside, so mobile_ticketmore than the half of Hungary travels with tickets manufactured by us.

Even though there is currently a need for this security paper solution in Hungary, our NFC mobile application had already run in T-City pilot in Szolnok. In addition, our card production capacity is significant, therefore, we can be a partner to the transport companies in the future too, in case the technological change is worth the amount invested.